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+420 608 577 677

Car reservation: Toyota Proace Verso - manual

Autopůjčovna Praha - Rezervace -

(+0 Kč without VAT)


Delivery (Prague)
(+0 Kč without VAT)

Collection (Prague)
(+0 Kč without VAT)

(+0 Kč without VAT)

5% / 5.000 Kč participation
0 Kč participation
Day limit km:
(+0 Kč without VAT)

200 km/day unlimited km
Satellite GPS navigation
(+0 Kč without VAT)

Roof racks
(+0 Kč without VAT)

Child safety seat
weight category 0 - 13 kg
(+0 Kč without VAT)

weight category 9 - 25 kg
(+0 Kč without VAT)

weight category 26 and more (booster seat)
(+0 Kč without VAT)

weight category 9 - 36 kg
(+0 Kč without VAT)

Order summary

0without VAT

Fuel - benzin diesel
0without VAT
Day limit km - 200 km/day unlimited km
0without VAT
Insurance - 5% / 5.000 Kč participation 0 Kč participation (without discount)
0without VAT
without VAT
without VAT
Satellite GPS navigation
without VAT
Roof racks
without VAT
Child safety seat
weight category 0 - 13 kg
without VAT
Child safety seat
weight category 9 - 25 kg
without VAT
Child safety seat
weight category 26 and more (booster seat)
without VAT
Child safety seat
weight category 9 - 36 kg
without VAT

pickup at the branch during business hours

delivery at the branch during business hours

Final price for car rental:

without VAT

with VAT

The pictures are illustrative - the version or color of the car may be different and we will be happy specify it during booking.

Sending of a non-commital order, we will contact you

I agree to the processing of personal data

Souhlasím s tím, aby v souladu se zákonem č.101/2000Sb. o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, společnost S-car, Pavel Suchánek, se sídlem Na Blanseku 14, 143 00 Praha 4, IČO 67780601 zpracovávala mnou poskytnuté osobní údaje pro marketingové účely. Jsem si vědom/a toho, že poskytnutí údajů je dobrovolné, a že souhlas s jejich zpracováním mohu kdykoliv odvolat na e-mailové adrese provozovatele s_car@centrum.cz.

Sending a form you agree with the terms here.